AHCCCS-Eligible Members: The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency designation is ending soon. Make sure your AHCCCS benefits don’t end by confirming your continuing eligibility, either with your health plan or AHCCCS:
It’s very important that you respond to any requests for update information you receive via mail. Follow through with instructions received from health plan Member Services or you risk having coverage canceled!
Additional COVID-19 Resources
Broadband Resources for Families
AHCCCS COVID19: https://azahcccs.gov/AHCCCS/AboutUs/covid19.html
AZDHS Site: https://azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/infectious-disease-epidemiology/index.php#novel-coronavirus-home
CDC Site: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
The COVID-19 advice is to practice physical distancing, including keeping at least 6 feet between you and anyone else in a public space. While staying at home or keeping a safe distance between others is smart, the related isolation may be hard on mental health.
While much of what is happening may leave you feeling anxious or like you do not have control, there are steps you can take to feel empowered and mentally healthy. We are not helpless.
Make a list of what is in your control, and what isn’t. Focus on what you can control, like being diligent about hand washing, getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and physical distancing.
Think about what makes you feel safe. How can you feel safe at home? Maybe it is reading on the couch under a weighted blanket, or holding a pet. Perhaps it is watching a funny movie or playing a game online. Take steps to do the tasks now that give you a sense of security.
Get fresh air. Just because you are at home doesn’t mean you can’t take a long walk. There is a lot of research to show fresh air, sunshine and Vitamin D will help boost your mood. Physical health also helps mental health.
Try to only think about today. Worrying about tomorrow or the distant future can be daunting. Instead, focus on what is before you. Think of your senses. What is blooming outside in your neighborhood? Can you hear the birds singing from your kitchen? Are there clouds in the sky? Engage in mindfulness and meditation if you have moments when things feel out of control.
Connect with others. Call your family. Write old fashioned pen pal letters to friends. Join a chat group online. There are ways to connect without being in the same room. Talking with others who we trust about how we are feeling is important to our mental health. Talking with your behavioral health provider may be a good idea too. Here’s a list of resources, including a free virtual support group: https://adaa.org/finding-help/coronavirus-anxiety-helpful-resources
- If you’re feeling alone and struggling, you can also reach out to The Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741 or National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK.
More resources here: http://www.sprc.org/news/resources-support-mental-health-coping-coronavirus-covid-19

Our Mission
“Our mission is to improve, enhance and promote the emotional well-being of Mohave County residents who experience life-disrupting problems, and to strengthen the quality of personal, family, and community life. Let us partner with you and your family to envision a new future! Come in or call one of our outpatient clinics to get started.”
If you’re experiencing a behavioral health crisis call: (888)757-8111 24/7 and you will be connected with a crisis counselor.